We are reminded annually on September 11th not to take life for granted. At any moment we could depart this life and this world. Several years ago I stood at Ground Zero and tried to comprehend the devastation. It was overwhelming. Twice I’ve visited the 9/11 Memorial. I’ve read the stories there of normal, hard-working Americans who just thought it would be another day at the office. I’ve read the stories of firemen and police officers who filed into the smoking infernos trying to rescue as many they could. The stories are heart-wrenching.
Some day I’ll depart this life on earth. So will you.
When I’m watching an old movie, I like to look up some of the actors and actresses on the internet. I like to remember their characters and see where they came from in real life and what their lives were like. One thing I’ve found in common with all of them is that they all die. In fact, the statistics are startling. 10 out of every 10 people die. Regardless of their accomplishments, their social status, their net worth, their fame or lack of fame.
It’s something a lot of people don’t like to think about. Many people try to ignore death until something happens such as a disease or ailment they weren’t expecting. Even then, many think that somehow they will overcome it and life will go back to normal. Sometimes it is overcome and life goes on for a little while longer.
On the September 11th, 2001 attack, 2,977 people died in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania. It was horrific. All of us who were old enough to take it in, know where we were when we heard the news. There’s certainly nothing we can say or write that softens the blow.
On any given day in America, an average of about 8,000 people die. Some experience a slow death and for others, like on 9/11, it comes very unexpectedly. It isn’t a matter of if you are going to die. All we don't know is when. The important thing is to be ready. The important thing is simply to be ready by trusting Jesus.
Jesus came into this world to die for our sins. He did that. Jesus is God in the flesh Who suffered and died for us. He was nailed to a cross and the Bible tells us He carried all our sins with Him. What we need to do is Believe it. That’s called Faith. By grace (getting what we don’t deserve) through faith we are saved. I encourage you to trust Jesus by turning your life completely over to Him.
Whenever someone dies, statements are made and questions are asked. I’ve faced some of those discussions this past week with the news of two children who passed away. One I had never met. The other I met about a year ago. The questions are why did this happen? Why didn't God answer our prayers? What happens to them now? Especially when they're so young that they certainly couldn’t make a choice for themselves to follow Jesus.
It reminded me of many years ago when a woman came into my office with questions about her baby who had died 42 years previous to our discussion. Her husband was a member of a cult that taught that an infant had to be baptized in order for its soul to go to Heaven. For 42 long years, this woman suffered emotionally and mentally because her baby had not been baptized before she died.
I explained to her that her baby went to be the Lord. I told her that our loving God who feels her loss and is compassionate in every way, extends His grace to those who are unable to make a decision for themselves. I referred to King David’s experience and statement in 2 Samual 23.
King David’s baby son became ill. He prayed and fasted. He lay on the ground begging God to spare his child and he refused to eat. Then the child died and King's servants were afraid to tell him. They didn’t know how he’d respond. However, David saw them whispering and perceived the baby had died. When his servants confirmed the death, David got up, took a bath, changed his clothes, went to the Tabernacle to worship the Lord, went home, and ordered a meal.
His servants didn’t understand. They said, “While the child was still living, you wept and refused to eat. But now that the child is dead, you have stopped your mourning and are eating again.”
David replied, “I fasted and wept while the child was alive, for I said, ‘Perhaps the Lord will be gracious to me and let the child live.’ But why should I fast when he is dead? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him one day, but he cannot return to me.”
Did you catch that? David was certain he would go to his son one day. David was certain of it because he trusted the Lord and he trusted that the Lord extends his grace to every person unable to decide for themselves.
I told the woman that she could rejoice because she could be sure she would see her baby again one day in Heaven. She asked, “How can I be sure of that?”
I told her by surrendering her life and entering a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. She prayed, right there in my office and accepted Christ.
We had many years of wonderful fellowship together in our church family. A few years later, her husband, abandoned the false teachings he had learned and also gave his life to Christ.
The horrible loss of her child 42 years before, was instrumental in bringing her and her husband into God’s family. They are two more people I’ll be looking forward to seeing when I depart for my eternal home.
We're all going to depart. We might depart because of an act of violence, a physical disease, or just plain old age. Just remember, we don’t know where or when. We just know it’s coming.
Be ready.