Israel at War

Don’t be surprised if you wake up tomorrow and hear the news that Russia has invaded Israel. I did not say that will happen tomorrow. I did not say it would happen in the next few weeks or months. I said, don’t be surprised if and when it happens, because it will take place one day.  

Israel is now at war with Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization funded by Iran. Russia and Iran are in cahoots.  

In Ezekiel 38 we read the prophesy of Magog attacking Israel. It’s generally understood that Magog is Russia, and I agree. Ezekiel 38:4 tells us that the Lord will actually be the One who pulls Russia out to make the attack. It reads as though it’s not even their idea. We also read that Persia will be with them. Modern-day Persia is Iran. Possibly because they are in cahoots with Iran, they will have put themselves in a place where they’re pretty much forced to join them against Israel.  

Interestingly we read nothing about the United States. There’s this prevailing idea that if the U.S. helps this country and doesn’t help that country all will be well. However, that’s the not prevailing idea of Scripture. Regardless of who’s running the show in America, the fact is, prophecy will be fulfilled.  

Magog and Persia will invade Israel someday. They will lose the battle because God is not fighting on their side. He’s on Israel’s side. The most fascinating thing about watching all this is the fact that a small, seemingly insignificant sliver of land matters to anybody. Israel is 6 times smaller than the state of Florida. There are only 9.4 million people in Israel. Compare that with the United States. Compare that with China! The fact is, if the Bible were not true, Israel would not matter. But the Bible is true. And the Jews are God’s chosen people.  

How should we, as Christians respond to the news of war in Israel?  

  1.  We should pray for peace in Israel, in Jerusalem. Regardless of the prophesies we shouldn’t want the loss of more lives. 

  2.  We should pray for the leadership in Israel. They are in the midst of making very difficult and critical decisions.

  3. We should pray for the prophecy found in Ezekiel 37:9-10 to come to fruition. I believe the previous parts of the prophecy of the valley of dry bones have been fulfilled. Verses 9-10 talk about breath coming to the people of Israel. When the Bible speaks of breath, breathing, and wind, it is often speaking of the Holy Spirit. Today Israel is a mighty army of flesh and bone. But the Holy Spirit breathing new life into them would mean they finally believe and accept Jesus as their Messiah. My take on this passage is that happens and they will then not only be a physical army, they will rise up as a spiritual army.

  4. We should pray that as people see and hear what’s happening in Israel, more and more of them around the world come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and receive Him as their Lord and Savior.  

Keep abreast of the news, but don’t be surprised.