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Listen To God

Last summer I had the opportunity to catch up with some old friends I hadn’t seen in a few years. It was a visit that reminded me how important individual people can be in our lives even when we are only in close contact for a brief time. It also reminded me how precious life is and how important it is to live in the moment. Finally, and most importantly, it reminded me of how involved God is in our lives and the incredible benefit of listening to His nudges.

Several years ago a coworker and very good friend of mine died unexpectedly at 51. He was a man of strong faith and family. He frequently shared both with me. I knew his wife casually and felt like I knew his kids well although we hadn’t met. At the same time, I had a chiropractor I had been seeing for years who was a friend and also easily shared his family and faith. Again, I knew his wife, but hadn’t met his kids, but felt like I knew them well.

In that time of loss and sadness, I kept feeling pushed by God. I was supposed to introduce John and Katie (my chiropractor’s son and friend’s daughter). Anybody who knows me, knows I don’t play matchmaker, so for a while, I ignored the feeling. But God kept pushing. I saw Katie and her 3 kids last summer. We reminisced and she shared the surprise and positive reactions of people when she answered how she met John. They met on a blind date and neither of them knew the person who introduced them. They only knew of me, yet they felt pushed by God to trust the meeting.

God listens to prayers. I know both Dave and Ron prayed for their kids to find the right partner. It is an incredible privilege to be used by God. I hadn't met John and Katie. It was a privilege to get to know them and be part of their lives. God doesn’t give up. I resisted and He kept pushing. Both Dave and Ron have passed, but their extended families have grown and continue to be a blessing to those who know them. I’m honored to be one of them. And I’m reminded to embrace the moment and listen for God’s input.

Meet Linda

I am living the dream and I know it. I’m a Florida retiree who grew up in Wisconsin and spent my working years in Minnesota. Early retirement allowed my husband, Mike, and me to retire to Florida and still spend the summer months back in Wisconsin and traveling. I know that I am as young, healthy, and able as I will ever be. With that in mind, if there are things I want to do, say or share in life, I know that if I don’t do them now, I will be even less likely to do them later. I enjoy putting my thoughts in writing. Writing things down often helps me sort through what’s going through my brain. I have occasionally shared those thoughts with others. Fred encouraged me to share some of them here. God has blessed my life in ways that are beyond anything I knew to ask for. These are some of the experiences that shape my life and my perspective.